Every hymncharts arrangement has SATB choir sheet music, but an SATB+ arrangement has these additional files:
- SATB parts only (no keyboard)
- SATB choir demo MP3
- soprano, alto, tenor and bass practice track MP3s
A note from Don Chapman: I began recording a choir for my arrangements a year or two before Covid hit, and I’ll start back up now that studios are reopening. Only a few arrangements have been recorded with full choir and I’ll continue adding them over time. Click titles below to hear demos:
Christmas SATB+
Christmas Medley
Joy to the World
Silent Night
Sing We Now of Christmas
The Birthday of a King
Thanksgiving SATB+
Come Ye Thankful People Come
Now Thank We All Our God
Easter SATB+
Are You Washed In the Blood
Christ Arose
Easter Medley
Hallelujah What a Savior 1 Verse Version
Hallelujah What a Savior
Jesus Paid It All
My Savior's Love
The Old Rugged Cross