Christ Arose Easter Service Guide
SATB Part 1
Praise Team Part 1
Narration 1
Lead Me to Calvary
Narration 2
Hallelujah Verse 1 Version
What Wondrous Love Is This
Narration 3
The Old Rugged Cross
Narration 4
Hallelujah, What a Savior
opt. pastor’s sermon
SATB Part 2
Praise Team Part 2
Narration 5
Christ Arose
Are You Washed In the Blood
More Details:
Click to download a PDF with more detailed instructions about the Christ Arose Easter Service Guide.
What’s Included:
All arrangements, underscores, readings, graphics and combined tracks contained in the Christ Arose Easter Service Guide come with a hymncharts subscription. Combined tracks allow you to play one stereo MP3 with a flow of several songs and underscores.
The total time of the music is a little over 25 minutes.

The Christ Arose Easter Service Guide gives you the music for a complete Easter service of over 25 minutes for your praise team or SAB/SATB choir.
A note from arranger/composer Don Chapman
The flexibility of the Christ Arose Easter Service Guide will allow you to use it in different forms for years to come. Use the entire service for Easter, then use the other songs grouped together or individually for your Communion services.
It’s flexible: lead the service with just a worship leader and pianist or include a 3 part vocal praise team or full SATB or SAB choir – all the parts are included.
SATB choir practice tracks: The Christ Arose Easter Service Guide is the first HymnCharts service guide to be recorded specifically for SATB choir. This service guide also includes MP3 practice tracks for soprano, alto, tenor and bass for every song.
If you don’t have any musicians, conduct the entire service with my MP3 stereo tracks. The songs and Underscores come in both vocal and stereo track versions. You can read the Scripture narrations over the tracks or play the vocal narration demos. Some churches like to play the underscores live and use tracks for the songs.
The secret to this service guide, and something you won’t find ANYWHERE else, is my specially composed underscores that are to be played under the Scripture narrations. I’ve created these underscores to match the mood and feeling of the Scripture narrations – much like a movie score supports the acting. This will allow you to create the perfect worship flow for your service!
Download the Christ Arose Easter Service Guide:
Download sheet music, chord charts, tracks, multitracks and instrumental parts for the Christ Arose Easter Service Guide exclusively with a hymncharts subscription. You won’t find this service guide on any other website.