Why Are Hymns Still Popular?


by Taylor Brantley

Why are so many old hymns still popular to this day? Are they merely being kept around by believers holding to tradition? As society and technology advances, shouldn’t the new dethrone the old?

Music has a way of penetrating the soul, each type of song having its purpose. Love songs help us express how we feel about someone, up-beat songs push us along in a workout. But a hymn’s purpose is that of light; God’s Word in the form of a song.

In dark times, whether it be the personal darkness of losing a loved one or the shared darkness of war, hymns remind us that faith in God conquers all, no matter how quickly the world around us changes. They serve as a reminder of His mercy and grace, an enduring beacon to keep darkness at bay.

Hymns are not being lugged across time by believers holding to tradition. Rather it is the hymns that are holding us up, providing light as we navigate the narrow path.

Article ©2022 hymncharts.com. Feel free to reprint this article in your church publications.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Thank you for article, it was greatly appreciated. As a member of our local worship planning committee, we often discuss traditional hymns vs contemporary songs. Our process has been a balance between both styles of music. Your article validated our process by honouring both. Thank you.

  • I’m a retired Minister of Music and retired public school band and choral director. I attend church and play in a Praise Band. Our Praise Band also goes into the community singing praise songs. In our church the theology and foundation of our faith is sung through hymns. We also sing contemporary songs that lift-up and praise the name of Jesus. A beautiful balance of both genres.

    I have discovered a pattern; churches who limit their music to contemporary songs end up being a “sing-a-long.” That that I mean the Worship Leader will play a guitar while singing into a microphone while everyone else just sings along with him or her, standing and using a wall mounted screen only showing the lyrics. I have often wondered what would happen if the electrical power failed. The nonelectrical instruments could still play; however, none of the instruments requiring electricity could be used and the Worship Leader would be limited to songs the congregation knew from memory. Families who are visiting that day would be left out of the worship unless they knew the songs being sung.

    The music pattern seems to be all songs are the same dynamics, rhythms, and tempos. Rehearsals only use lead sheets. To learn a melody, one must hear the song, not reading a score. Harmony is sung by those who have “an ear for music”. Ministry through singing solos, duets, quartets, ensembles, etc., are never done which robs the people who are gifted in those musical areas no opportunity to use their talent for the Lord. There is little to no understanding of the music being taught to the church of the singers. Younger people aren’t taught the importance of singing harmony nor how to read a harmony line.

    The pattern again is worship leaders in contemporary churches have little to no formal music training and can’t read a music score. In my opinion, this isn’t giving our best to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Recently I had a member of a Music Leader search committee tell me of the four people they interviewed for the position, no one knew how to read music but all could play a guitar. Would a church call a pastor if that didn’t have any Biblical training or knowledge of the Bible or the theology of that church? Should that person have any knowledge of the By Laws, policies, Constitution, and the daily administrative operations of the church? Would people say “… they are merely being kept around by believers holding to tradition.”

    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share what is dear to my heart. I truly believe we should do our very best for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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